
Friday, January 24, 2014

Fibonacci Beauty Ratio Activity

Name: Jesus
Foot to Navel: 109 cm  Navel to top of head: 59 cm  Ratio: 1.847
Navel to chin: 43 cm   Chin to top of head: 22 cm    Ratio: 1.955
Knee to navel: 57 cm   Foot to knee: 52 cm               Ratio: 1.09
Average: 1.631

Name: Sammy
Foot to Navel: 100 cm  Navel to top of head: 68 cm  Ratio: 1.471
Navel to chin: 49 cm    Chin to top of head: 24 cm    Ratio: 2.042
Knee to navel: 50 cm   Foot to knee: 48 cm               Ratio: 1.142
Average: 1.518

Name: Vivian
Foot to Navel: 104 cm  Navel to top of head: 68 cm  Ratio: 1.529
Navel to chin: 47 cm    Chin to top of head: 21 cm    Ratio: 2.238
Knee to navel: 58 cm   Foot to knee: 50 cm               Ratio: 1.16
Average: 1.642

Name: Christine
Foot to Navel: 98 cm    Navel to top of head: 59 cm  Ratio: 1.661
Navel to chin: 38 cm    Chin to top of head: 21 cm    Ratio: 1.809
Knee to navel: 50 cm   Foot to knee: 48 cm               Ratio: 1.042
Average: 1.504

The Golden Ratio is a number that is found using the numbers in the Fibonacci series. It is used to determine mathematical beauty by analyzing proportions. The person closest to the Golden Ratio of 1.618 was Jesus, who had an average of 1.631.
In my opinion, the Beauty Ratio is potentially useful for mathematical purposesand i had no idea how successful or accurate it was too! definitely learning some new things

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